Introducing new Master Data Management features

By Daan Boersma • published September 8, 2020 • last updated June 25, 2024

Our goal is to make Data Integration and Data Management easy and accessible for organizations. That is why we constantly improving our services. As of last week a new version of the Master Data Management module is released. This new release aims to simplify tasks for every day users with the end goal to streamline data and providing a single, consistent view of critical data for everyone in the organization.

These are the new features:

  • More user-friendly welcome page that immediately leads to tasks at hand, such as unresolved mappings or new codes.
  • New navigation menu makes most tasks only 1 click away.
  • Much functionality needed for initial setup of the Master Data Management configuration is now moved to a separate configuration section, making more screen space available for mapping activities and overviews.
  • Color coded visual cues are added to signal various types of outstanding actions.
  • The maintenance pages of Master member lists are merged with that of your application member lists.
  • Preferences on visible columns of filter-criteria are now saved between page switches.

We have many more updates planned, such are 3-way Source > Master > Target mapping, or maintaining level hierarchies via drag-and-drop. Stay tuned!

This new version is available as a free upgrade to our license customers.