How to Engage Your Employees to Become a Data-driven Organization

The most successful organizations put data at the heart of everything they do. Whether creating a forecast or hiring the right people, it’s the foundation of better business decision-making.
Three ways how organizations can improve their forecasts

Forecasting is a business-critical activity, and without it you can’t plan effectively for the future. It’s a process that allows you to look forward and plot out your objectives against all potential options.
Introducing Customer Profitability
This month we released our new business solution: Customer Profitability. With this out of the box solution it is possible to calculate important profitability statistics and directly generate ad-hoc reports tailored to your organization by dividing indirect and overhead costs over all your customers in a fair and traceable way.
The role of SQL

In this blogpost Peter de Heer explains the basics of SQL and why this industry standard is heavily used within the Cohelion Data Platfrom
Why prediction algorithms fail because of Covid-19

Future expectations about sales, workload or prices are based on experiences from the past. During the covid-19 crisis, many industries have seen unexpected changes in the figures that are important to them.
Introducing new Master Data Management features

As of last week a new version of the Master Data Management module is released. This new release aims to simplify tasks for every day users with the end goal to streamline data and providing a single, consistent view of critical data for everyone in the organization.
Cohelion, an All-in-one Data Warehouse Factory

Cohelion is like an all-in-one data warehouse factory. As an ordinary factory in which raw materials are processed and assembled into finished products, Cohelion similarly converts raw data to consumable business data.